Pretty Angel Wings..

Recently I ‘ve started to branch out in my jewelry making from the normal items I make.  I’ve been feeling for quite some time that I needed to “Step My Game Up ” and think a little more outside or around the box.  It’s so easy to get complacent and everyone love your old items, so you just keep making them.  That’s great my ” Oldie But Goodies” are favorites, however I really felt a change was necessary for growth and experimentation.  If it flopped, which so many ideas have, I would go back to the beading drawing board.

I have a ton of beads at home, bins full, bags of beads, supplies, and cords.  Naturally I tend to forget I have some beads due to their being so many.  After taking some time to get my creative mojo back, I found a way to mix Bronze Angel Wings with Green and Blue Beads to form bracelets.  I love how unique they are, lightweight, and can go with everyday attire ( your jeans and t-shirt)- no fancy attire needed.



The swirls of Gold in the beads make them POP.  I used the Macrame technique ( which I use on a lot of my bracelets) for the wrist.  It’s an adjustable sliding wristband to fit virtually any wrist size, skin sensitive friendly, sturdy, stylish, and unique.

I made these a couple of weeks ago and sold the Blue Angel Wings a week ago.  I plan on replacing it and making a few more with different colors ( experimenting again ).  I have another idea brewing up my sleeve I can do with these too ( the thought just came to me ). 🙂

What do you think about these bracelets I made?  What colors do you feel would work well with the Bronze Wings ?  Leave me your thoughts below- I actually enjoy feedback. 🙂


Chanting-“We’re #2”


Yes we’re #2!  At this point you’re probably asking #2 in what?  Well I’m glad you asked- but didn’t really ask. 🙂

I stumbled on an article two days ago ( can’t remember where ) stating TX is now the #2 state for Women Owned Business Growth for 2014.  We’re trailing behind the #1 state ( Georgia).  

These days anything business related I’m loving and although I was against living here before I moved here in 2003( super long story for another couple days and posts), the super short article made me smile.  I thought instantly I helped make up part of that growth- how cool.

I wished the article would’ve broken down by the major cities the Women business owners and maybe highlight a few businesses.  I’d check out some local to me if listed for sure.

Personally I’ve met some really great business people in general and some awesome Women over the last two years.  I’d love to be able to expand here in Texas ( networking, events, shops/ boutiques, meet ups, e.g).  Texas is huge, you  can literally drive 10 hours and still be here in the state.  

Attaching the link to the Article and you can check out other great business articles as well.






Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest: Bijou By Nija


Deal Alert! FREE E-Marketing Business Book

Yes you read the title correctly ( squeals in excitement).  Seriously anything FREE gets me giddy, lol.

Since I could not sleep last night I did my usual surfing of Facebook on my Business side of the house.  A blog I enjoy ( Simply Stacie) had a post on the Freebie.  I mean seriously who wouldn’t want to get Marketing tips for FREE, usually you have to pay for the Marketing tips!

I headed over to Amazon to download my copy and Voila ‘ instant export to my IPad.  Now this little deal is supposedly only FREE for two days ( yesterday was Day 1, so let us all do the math on this).  In other words head over there now and get your copy. 🙂

Here is the Book Title and Link:

The Marketing To Do List: Over 100 marketing ideas and strategies for entrepreneurs and new marketing grads [Kindle Edition]


Let ‘s Have A Party!

Gather Your Girlfriends!

The Holidays will be here before you know it, let me help you and your Friends get great jewelry pieces for themselves or for gifting this year.

Jewelry parties/sales are easy to host and are fun! There are no games, no sales pitches, I simply set out the jewelry. Guests visit with each other and shop while nibbling on light snacks provided by the host/hostess.

I will provide a small “thank you for coming” gift for each guest in attendance as a show of my appreciation.
Sales happen in real time with no deliveries needed by host/hostess.

The host/hostess earns gift certificates toward jewelry based on sales
for a fundrasing sale/party, 10% of the sales will be donated to their charity of choice.

Types of Parties/Sales
Fund Raising Party/Sale 10% of the sales are donated to charity of your choice.
Rewards Party/Sale: You get at $10 gift certificate initially and earn additional $5 certificates, good for jewelry purchases, for every $50 of party sales. Everything is very affordable that I create so its a Win Win!

How a Party/Sale Works:
1. Select Party Type: For Fund Raising Parties select the charity so it can be stated on in Evite.
2. Guest List: Send an Evite about 2-4 weeks prior to the date. Invite about twice as many as you hope to attend.
Reminders to the Guests: A few days before, via Evite, phone or person
3. Day of Party/Sale:
4. My setup: One and a half hours before. I will need a large table (usually dining or kitchen).
You provide a light snack and something to drink for your guests.
Afterward it will take me about an hour or less to pack up.
Visa, MasterCard, and Cash are all accepted as well as Custom Orders

Contact me if you’re interested or pass my info to a Family member or Friend that’s interested in hosting ( must be in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area).

Thank you!


Nija ( Handcraft Jewelry Designer)
Web: ( My Etsy Shop)
Instagram: Bijou By Nija

” Be Bold, Be Confident, Bijou”!


Four Tips on Marketing

I receive emails from the Small Business Administration ( SBA) at least once a month.  Some things I quickly delete and some make it to the ” Keep Me File”.

An article from SBA that hit my Inbox and caught my attention was on Marketing your business at Summer Events, Fairs, and Festivals.  This was interesting because Summers in TX are HOT to say the least.  Last year I participated in some events in 100 degree plus weather…beyond Not Fun!  I swore this year I would not do that again for any quick buck.  Sweaty and Hot is not a good combo for selling to anyone, not to mention who likes to come out in 100 degree weather?!?!.

Anyway the article brought out some great points on Marketing in general every business can use at any stage of the game.  My business is two years old( very young), but I’m learning new things and referencing the newbie newbie info a lot these days to help me grow.

Things I’m focusing on regarding Marketing not just for the Summer, but always are:

1.  Patience- remembering business and trust takes time to build.  There ‘s no magic, dust, or potion where you ‘re rich overnight.  If that’s the case everyone would have a business.

2.  Networking- this little tool has helped me reach people not typically in my grasp, find out about events, and bounce ideas around to people.

3.  Creativity- how to make my jewelry pieces better creatively for potential consumers.  Setting myself apart from other jewelry makers in style, beads, techniques, and display.

4.  Connecting- being personable and not just trying to sell a person something.  Building trust from Word of Mouth, Great Customer Service, Quality Product, and Communication is very important to me.

These are four that come to me right away along with our Family Motto ” We Never Give Up”!




So Excited To Finally Announce!




I’m very excited to announce we will have a new home in Wylie,TX!
You will be able to shop locally at Doc Holliday Emporium where our items will be available. This means no shipping costs, ability to view latest jewelry and Holiday decor pieces, and receive quality pieces within arms reach created by me. How cool is that!


There’s so much more that will be in Doc Holliday Emporium for everyone (Vintage, Antiques, Bohemian Chic Clothing, etc ) all close to you if you’re in Wylie, Plano, Richardson, Sasche, Murphy, Garland, and surrounding areas.


I’m grateful for the opportunity and excited about our new venture!


I will share more details as we are close to Grand Opening time.


Thank you all for your support on our new venture!







Big Day Tomorrow ( Part 1)

Well it’s a big day in my mind anyway.  I haven’t really shared the “Big Day Tomorrow” news with Family or Friends.  It seems the last couple of times I’ve attempted to share any news its back fired in my face.  So I ‘m learning the Art of not sharing too much prematurely in business.

I guess that’s why so many celebrities or Branding individuals always take the stance of ” I can’t confirm” or ” I can’t share too much right now”.  Granted I ‘m no where near their level of anything, after all I’m a small fish in this large ocean of business owners. :-/

It’s my first ever Business Meeting ( I can say that much ) which I’m excited and a little nervous about.  I’ve gone over my wardrobe outfits ( yes I’m having a hard time deciding ) in my head all day.  The person I’m meeting seems to be excited to meet from email exchanges over the past week.  That ‘s a great thing- now hopefully I don’t fumble over my words.

I shall share more tomorrow- sleep calls me 



Where Are My Baseball Fanatics?

Not the Fans, but I’m talking live, eat, sleep Baseball!  Being here in TX folks love the Texas Rangers there’s no doubt about it.  If you’re not into Baseball here then you better be a hardcore Football Fan-people are just that serious about the Sport.  

I started branching out last year to cater to the Sports Fanatics by beginning a Themed bracelets line.  Not knowing what the response would be I kept things pretty simple and basic.  I started with Baseball bracelets image image image image image imageeventually moving on to expand.  

This year when Spring training was in full swing I revamped my Baseball bracelets and added new designs since the response had been well last year.  Here are some pics of the Bracelets I revamped this year, I have other Teams such as Yankees, Phillies, Reds, WhiteSox, Dodgers, Braves, etc on my website.  

Let me know what you think of these and if you want to see others mentioned comment below.  I’d be happy to upload them…



Displays I’m Loving….

Shutter DisplayimageimageimageI’m constantly revamping my Jewelry tables/ displays to get the best look.  Well after 2.5 years I’m happy to say ” I Still Don’t Have The Best Look”.  As a matter of fact I’m even more indecisive than when I first started setting up my table.  Let’s just say I’ve spent quite a bit of moolah on displays every couple of months.  The only thing thats been consistent are my Cream colored tablecloths.  Not the most fanciest, but they came from the Thrift Store and have done a wonderful job of covering the hideous tables so far. 🙂

On yet another Pinterest run, I stumbled upon several cute displays that were unique and provided height to the jewelry.  I love the Shutter display!  My car is definitely too small for ANY shutters to be stored for transport along with all my other items.  However I just love it….maybe one day…a Girl can dream right?

Here are a few…if you’re a Crafter do you have Fave displays or which one is your Fave here?


FB:Bijou By Nija